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STAR Housing Program

The STAR Program (Sustainable Tenancies At Risk) assists people living in private rental who are at risk of losing their tenancy. STAR is an early intervention program that aims to sustain tenancies and stop the cycle of homelessness. The STAR Program can support you too:

  • negotiate with your landlord or Real Estate Agent
  • understand your rights and responsibilities
  • develop your budgeting skills
  • address other issues or barriers that are impacting on your tenancy

This program operates in partnership with Beyond Housing and The Bridge Youth Services. Funding is provided by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. 

**This program is open to people of all ages within the community.

The program can provide outreach to all areas in the Goulburn, Ovens and Murray Regions.

Referral Process:
People refer themselves into this program, you do not have to go through another agency. To enquire about making an appointment, click the below button ‘Request Appointment’ or phone us and ask to speak to the STAR worker on: (03) 5720 2201.


* Please note, NESAY do not provide interim response (crisis support). If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, you need to contact 1800 825 955.

Renting Resources

Click on this icon to be taken to a page of renting resources. From local Real Estate Agents to Bond Loan information.

Emergency Contact Details:

(24 hours, 7 days a week)

  • Police | Fire | Ambulance:
  • People experiencing homelessness  – (You will be directed to a local service 9am-5pm, calls outside these hours are diverted to Salvation Army Crisis Services):
    1800 825 955
  • Women and children who are experiencing family violence – Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service:
    1800 015 188
  • For emotional support 24 hours a day, call Lifeline on:
    13 11 14
"My Star Housing Worker does an outstanding job. She is very approachable, compassionate and warm. Thank you so very much."
STAR Housing
NESAY acknowledge the support of the Victorian State Government
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