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Creating Connections (CC)

Is a program for young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This program supports young people who have multiple and complex needs and will benefit from intensive, long term case management.

Referral Process:

Step 1 - If you are homeless, or at risk of homelessness contact Beyond Housing (crisis support) - (03) 5722 8000

Step 2 - Beyond Housing will refer you to NESAY

Step 3 - Once NESAY receive the referral, we will contact you to make an appointment.

* Please note, if you would prefer to come to NESAY, please do so and we can help you with the process.


(24 hours, 7 days a week)

  • People experiencing homelessness  – (You will be directed to a local service 9am-5pm, calls outside these hours are diverted to Salvation Army Crisis Services)
    1800 825 955
  • Women and children who are experiencing family violence – Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service
    1800 015 188
  • For emotional support 24 hours a day, call Lifeline on:
    13 11 14
NESAY acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government
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