Who is NESAY?
NESAY stands for North East Support & Action for Youth – we are a youth and family community agency, based in North East Victoria.
Our mission is to support young people and their families in our community to achieve their goals and aspirations. We work towards this through providing a range of services across North East Victoria that enables young people to achieve safe housing, develop their independent living skills, foster and nurture family relationships and sustain education and employment. To achieve this, we work closely with education, health, legal, family, mental health, local government and family violence prevention agencies.
Our team of highly skilled staff are dedicated and passionate about providing services that meet the needs of young people and their families.
Our Vision: Strengthening generations to create sustainable change in our communities.
Our Mission: Supporting young people and their families in our community to achieve their goals and aspirations
Our Values:
Inclusion – embracing diversity
Respect – for all people
Integrity – in all we do
Innovation – to meet current and future needs
Accountability – transparency in all we do
Our Principles of Practice – to promote social change, problem solving in relationships and the empowerment to enhance wellbeing. NESAY staff will endeavour to enable all people to develop their full potential, enrich their lives and prevent dysfunction. Our work focuses on strength based problem solving and change. NESAY’s principles of practice are an interrelated system of values, theories and practice. Commitment to Social Justice is fundamental to our work.
Practice Philosophy – NESAY provides a safe and welcoming place for young people and their families to engage with the support they need. Our team uses a strength based and trauma informed approach that is person centred and underpinned by the principles of social justice.
NESAY’s core programs are funded through various state and commonwealth departments and additional projects and internally developed programs are funded through one off grants, funding opportunities and contributions from our local/regional communities.
Highly active on a number of fronts, NESAY has established itself as a leading agency in youth affairs in the North East Region of Victoria within the seven local government areas NESAY services. NESAY is dedicated to the notion of interagency co-operation and collaboration as means of ensuring the best possible service to its broad range of clients. With energetic staff, supported by a community Board of Governance, NESAY is highly respected as a professional and effective service provider with its progressive approach to youth welfare and family issues.
NESAY's 10 Year Vision
Click on this icon to access details about our 10 year vision.
NESAY Strategic Priorities 24-27
Click on this icon to access details about NESAY's strategic plan.
Best Practice
Click on this icon to access details about how we use best practice.
Visiting Services
Click here to see what services NESAY have visiting on a regular basis.
Your Rights & Responsibilities
Click on this icon to access information about your rights and responsibilities here at NESAY.
Your Information - It's Private
Click on this icon to access details about how your information is protected here at NESAY.
Board of Governance
Click on this icon to meet the NESAY Board of Governance.