Compliments, Complaints & Feedback
NESAY welcome all forms of feedback and encourage young people and families to raise any concerns if not satisfied with any aspect of our services.
If you feel you have been treated badly, you have the right to have your complaint heard and dealt with fairly. Our service will support you fully in making your complaint. Your complaint will be confidential; no information will be passed on without your permission.
If you would like to provide any feedback, compliments or make a complaint you can do so by clicking through the different tabs below for the different options.
You can speak with someone from NESAY directly at our office:
NESAY – 86-90 Rowan Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677
You can phone NESAY and speak with someone directly – 03 5720 2201
You can email NESAY either through our contact page (button below) or you can email us at:
This account is checked only by our administration team and will be be forwarded to the appropriate manager, CEO or staff member as appropriate.
You can send NESAY a letter either by post or hand delivered to either of the below:
Postal Address:
PO Box 572,
Wangaratta VIC 3676
Site Address:
86-90 Rowan Street,
Wangaratta VIC 3677
You can complete a compliments, complaints and feedback form (link below). This can be emailed, hand delivered or posted to NESAY.
Postal Address:
PO Box 572,
Wangaratta VIC 3676
Site Address:
86-90 Rowan Street,
Wangaratta VIC 3677
Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Form
Click on this icon to access NESAY's Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Form.